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Angular Cheat Sheet

by Bill Jellesma
2020-11-04 20:45:00
Angular Cheat Sheet

I wanted to make a quick reference guide that I can refer to as I use Angular more and more. These are meant to be some general tips that I've found that don't apply to any specific project.

CLI Commands and Switches

  • ng new <project name> will start a new project
    • Optionally you can choose to include the angular router when installing this
  • ng serve when executed in a project directory will serve the application in a development mode and with hot reloading on the default port of 4200. --port is a switch used to change the port number (this may be useful if you have two projects open at once). --open will open the localhost:4200 (or whichever port you've chosen) in a new tab.
  • ng generate component <component_name> (ng g c <component_name> for short) will generate the component in the /src/app folder
  • ng generate service <service_name> (ng g s <service_name>) will generate a service in the /src/app folder
  • ng generate module <module_name> (ng g m <module_name>) will generate a module in the /src/app folder.
    • You can use --flat to generate the file directly in the src/app folder rather than the CLI creating its own folder for the module.
    • --module=app will automatically register the module in the imports array of app.module.ts
  • Always use --dry-run when generating a component or service to make sure that the directory is where you want it. I know personally that I've created components in the wrong folder before.


HTTP Routing

To add http routing to your application (to go out to other resources on the internet)

  1. add an import in app.module.ts
    import { HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
  2. add the client module to the list of imports in app.module.ts
    imports: [
  3. In the service where you want to use http methods, import the http client
    import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
  4. Initialize and http object in the constructor of the services class
    constructor(private http:HttpClient) { }
  5. You can now reference the http object within that service by using

Deleting components

To delete a component from your project (this is also important why you should use the --dry-run flag), follow the following process:

  1. Delete the folder containing the component
  2. In app.module.ts, delete both the import and the declaration under declarations

Working with Forms

  • If you want to work with forms in your application, you'll need to add the forms module by adding an import to app.module.ts. Add an import statement at the top of the file and add the module to the imports list on @NgModule
import{FormsModule} from '@angular/forms'
imports: [
  • When creating the form in html, use the [(ngModel)] attribute on a form input to bind it to a class property of the same name on the component.ts file

For Example, If you want the input fullName to bind to the class property fullName of the class, you will need the following html

<input type="text" name="name" id="fullName" [(ngModel)]="fullName">

As well as to declare a class property on the component:

export class AddActorComponent implements OnInit {


You can now access that variable in that class using the this keyword
